int zmq_device (int device, const void *frontend, const void *backend);
The zmq_device() function starts a built-in ØMQ device. The device argument is one of:
starts a queue device
starts a forwarder device
starts a streamer device
The device connects a frontend socket to a backend socket. Conceptually, data flows from frontend to backend. Depending on the socket types, replies may flow in the opposite direction.
Before calling zmq_device() you must set any socket options, and connect or bind both frontend and backend sockets. The two conventional device models are:
- proxy
bind frontend socket to an endpoint, and connect backend socket to downstream components. A proxy device model does not require changes to the downstream topology but that topology is static (any changes require reconfiguring the device).
- broker
bind frontend socket to one endpoint and bind backend socket to a second endpoint. Downstream components must now connect into the device. A broker device model allows a dynamic downstream topology (components can come and go at any time).
zmq_device() runs in the current thread and returns only if/when the current context is closed.
ZMQ_QUEUE creates a shared queue that collects requests from a set of clients, and distributes these fairly among a set of services. Requests are fair-queued from frontend connections and load-balanced between backend connections. Replies automatically return to the client that made the original request.
This device is part of the request-reply pattern. The frontend speaks to clients and the backend speaks to services. You should use ZMQ_QUEUE with a ZMQ_XREP socket for the frontend and a ZMQ_XREQ socket for the backend. Other combinations are not documented.
Refer to zmq_socket(3) for a description of these socket types.
ZMQ_FORWARDER collects messages from a set of publishers and forwards these to a set of subscribers. You will generally use this to bridge networks, e.g. read on TCP unicast and forward on multicast.
This device is part of the publish-subscribe pattern. The frontend speaks to publishers and the backend speaks to subscribers. You should use ZMQ_FORWARDER with a ZMQ_SUB socket for the frontend and a ZMQ_PUB socket for the backend. Other combinations are not documented.
Refer to zmq_socket(3) for a description of these socket types.
ZMQ_STREAMER collects tasks from a set of pushers and forwards these to a set of pullers. You will generally use this to bridge networks. Messages are fair-queued from pushers and load-balanced to pullers.
This device is part of the pipeline pattern. The frontend speaks to pushers and the backend speaks to pullers. You should use ZMQ_STREAMER with a ZMQ_PULL socket for the frontend and a ZMQ_PUSH socket for the backend. Other combinations are not documented.
Refer to zmq_socket(3) for a description of these socket types.
The zmq_device() function always returns -1 and errno set to ETERM (the ØMQ context associated with either of the specified sockets was terminated).
// Create frontend and backend sockets void *frontend = zmq_socket (context, ZMQ_XREP); assert (backend); void *backend = zmq_socket (context, ZMQ_XREQ); assert (frontend); // Bind both sockets to TCP ports assert (zmq_bind (frontend, "tcp://*:5555") == 0); assert (zmq_bind (backend, "tcp://*:5556") == 0); // Start a queue device zmq_device (ZMQ_QUEUE, frontend, backend);
This ØMQ manual page was written by Pieter Hintjens <>
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