path: root/bindings/cl
diff options
authorMartin Sustrik <sustrik@fastmq.commkdir>2010-01-28 12:45:12 +0100
committerMartin Sustrik <sustrik@fastmq.commkdir>2010-01-28 12:45:12 +0100
commitf17f0fa67bc5a373f3fc7964aaad4f08aa1dc761 (patch)
treed144b3d71245df28e749fe2dfb4c28331955b549 /bindings/cl
parent943125bd12dbf181f4dfce7babddf1af7bcb7e18 (diff)
CL binding ripped out of the tree
Diffstat (limited to 'bindings/cl')
6 files changed, 0 insertions, 644 deletions
diff --git a/bindings/cl/ b/bindings/cl/
deleted file mode 100644
index 034d1f4..0000000
--- a/bindings/cl/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
- if test -d $(sitedir); then rm -rdf $(sitedir); fi
- mkdir $(sitedir)
- chown --reference=$(sitedir)/.. $(sitedir)
- cp *.lisp *.asd $(sitedir)
- ln -sf $(sitedir)/zeromq.asd $(zeromqasd)
diff --git a/bindings/cl/meta.lisp b/bindings/cl/meta.lisp
deleted file mode 100644
index 751a089..0000000
--- a/bindings/cl/meta.lisp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-;; Copyright (c) 2009 Vitaly Mayatskikh <>
-;; This file is part of 0MQ.
-;; 0MQ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-;; the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
-;; (at your option) any later version.
-;; 0MQ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; Lesser GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the Lesser GNU General Public License
-;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
-(in-package :zeromq)
-(define-condition error-again (error)
- ((argument :reader error-again :initarg :argument))
- (:report (lambda (condition stream)
- (write-string (convert-from-foreign
- (%strerror (error-again condition))
- :string)
- stream))))
-(defmacro defcfun* (name-and-options return-type &body args)
- (let* ((c-name (car name-and-options))
- (l-name (cadr name-and-options))
- (n-name (cffi::format-symbol t "%~A" l-name))
- (name (list c-name n-name))
- (docstring (when (stringp (car args)) (pop args)))
- (ret (gensym)))
- (loop with opt
- for i in args
- unless (consp i) do (setq opt t)
- else
- collect i into args*
- and if (not opt) collect (car i) into names
- else collect (car i) into opts
- and collect (list (car i) 0) into opts-init
- end
- finally (return
- `(progn
- (defcfun ,name ,return-type
- ,@args*)
- (defun ,l-name (,@names &optional ,@opts-init)
- ,docstring
- (let ((,ret (,n-name ,@names ,@opts)))
- (if ,(if (eq return-type :pointer)
- `(zerop (pointer-address ,ret))
- `(not (zerop ,ret)))
- (cond
- ((eq *errno* isys:eagain) (error 'error-again :argument *errno*))
- (t (error (convert-from-foreign (%strerror *errno*) :string))))
- ,ret))))))))
diff --git a/bindings/cl/package.lisp b/bindings/cl/package.lisp
deleted file mode 100644
index 89713b1..0000000
--- a/bindings/cl/package.lisp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-;; Copyright (c) 2009 Vitaly Mayatskikh <>
-;; This file is part of 0MQ.
-;; 0MQ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-;; the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
-;; (at your option) any later version.
-;; 0MQ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; Lesser GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the Lesser GNU General Public License
-;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
-(defpackage #:zeromq
- (:nicknames :zmq)
- (:use :cl :cffi)
- (:shadow #:sleep #:close)
- (:export
- ;; constants
- #:affinity
- #:delimiter
- #:downstream
- #:efsm
- #:emthread
- #:enocompatproto
- #:hausnumero
- #:hwm
- #:identity
- #:lwm
- #:max-vsm-size
- #:mcast-loop
- #:noblock
- #:noflush
- #:p2p
- #:poll
- #:pollin
- #:pollout
- #:pub
- #:rate
- #:recovery-ivl
- #:rep
- #:req
- #:sub
- #:subscribe
- #:swap
- #:unsubscribe
- #:upstream
- #:vsm
- #:events
- ;; structures
- #:msg
- #:pollitem
- ;; functions
- #:bind
- #:close
- #:connect
- #:flush
- #:init
- #:msg-close
- #:msg-copy
- #:msg-data-as-array
- #:msg-data-as-is
- #:msg-data-as-string
- #:msg-init
- #:msg-init-data
- #:msg-init-size
- #:msg-move
- #:msg-size
- #:msg-type
- #:poll
- #:pollitem-events
- #:pollitem-fd
- #:pollitem-revents
- #:pollitem-socket
- #:recv
- #:send
- #:setsockopt
- #:sleep
- #:socket
- #:stopwatch-start
- #:stopwatch-stop
- #:strerror
- #:term
- ;; macros
- #:with-context
- #:with-polls
- #:with-socket
- #:with-stopwatch
- ;; conditions
- #:error-again))
-(in-package :zeromq)
-(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
- (define-foreign-library zeromq
- (:unix (:or "" ""))
- (t "libzmq")))
-(use-foreign-library zeromq)
diff --git a/bindings/cl/zeromq-api.lisp b/bindings/cl/zeromq-api.lisp
deleted file mode 100644
index 44d725b..0000000
--- a/bindings/cl/zeromq-api.lisp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
-;; Copyright (c) 2009 Vitaly Mayatskikh <>
-;; This file is part of 0MQ.
-;; 0MQ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-;; the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
-;; (at your option) any later version.
-;; 0MQ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; Lesser GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the Lesser GNU General Public License
-;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
-(in-package :zeromq)
-;; Stolen from CFFI. Uses custom allocator (alloc-fn) instead of foreign-alloc
-(defun copy-lisp-string-octets (string alloc-fn &key (encoding cffi::*default-foreign-encoding*)
- (null-terminated-p t) (start 0) end)
- "Allocate a foreign string containing Lisp string STRING.
-The string must be freed with FOREIGN-STRING-FREE."
- (check-type string string)
- (cffi::with-checked-simple-vector ((string (coerce string 'babel:unicode-string))
- (start start) (end end))
- (declare (type simple-string string))
- (let* ((mapping (cffi::lookup-mapping cffi::*foreign-string-mappings* encoding))
- (count (funcall (cffi::octet-counter mapping) string start end 0))
- (length (if null-terminated-p
- (+ count (cffi::null-terminator-len encoding))
- count))
- (ptr (funcall alloc-fn length)))
- (funcall (cffi::encoder mapping) string start end ptr 0)
- (when null-terminated-p
- (dotimes (i (cffi::null-terminator-len encoding))
- (setf (mem-ref ptr :char (+ count i)) 0)))
- (values ptr length))))
-(defclass msg ()
- ((raw :accessor msg-raw :initform nil)))
-(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((inst msg) &key size data)
- (let ((obj (foreign-alloc 'msg)))
- (tg:finalize inst (lambda ()
- (%msg-close obj)
- (foreign-free obj)))
- (cond (size (%msg-init-size obj size))
- (data
- (etypecase data
- (string (copy-lisp-string-octets
- data (lambda (sz)
- (%msg-init-size obj sz)
- (%msg-data obj))))
- (array (progn
- (%msg-init-size obj (length data))
- (let ((ptr (%msg-data obj))
- (i -1))
- (map nil (lambda (x)
- (setf (mem-aref ptr :uchar (incf i)) x))
- data))))))
- (t (msg-init obj)))
- (setf (msg-raw inst) obj)))
-(defclass pollitem ()
- ((raw :accessor pollitem-raw :initform nil)
- (socket :accessor pollitem-socket :initform nil :initarg :socket)
- (fd :accessor pollitem-fd :initform -1 :initarg :fd)
- (events :accessor pollitem-events :initform 0 :initarg :events)
- (revents :accessor pollitem-revents :initform 0)))
-(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((inst pollitem) &key)
- (let ((obj (foreign-alloc 'pollitem)))
- (setf (pollitem-raw inst) obj)
- (tg:finalize inst (lambda () (foreign-free obj)))))
-(defun bind (s address)
- (with-foreign-string (addr address)
- (%bind s addr)))
-(defun connect (s address)
- (with-foreign-string (addr address)
- (%connect s addr)))
-(defmacro with-context ((context app-threads io-threads &optional flags) &body body)
- `(let ((,context (init ,app-threads ,io-threads (or ,flags 0))))
- ,@body
- (term ,context)))
-(defmacro with-socket ((socket context type) &body body)
- `(let ((,socket (socket ,context ,type)))
- ,@body
- (close ,socket)))
-(defmacro with-stopwatch (&body body)
- (let ((watch (gensym)))
- `(with-foreign-object (,watch :long 2)
- (setq ,watch (stopwatch-start))
- ,@body
- (stopwatch-stop ,watch))))
-(defun msg-data-as-is (msg)
- (%msg-data (msg-raw msg)))
-(defun msg-data-as-string (msg)
- (let ((data (%msg-data (msg-raw msg))))
- (unless (zerop (pointer-address data))
- (convert-from-foreign data :string))))
-(defun msg-data-as-array (msg)
- (let ((data (%msg-data (msg-raw msg))))
- (unless (zerop (pointer-address data))
- (let* ((len (msg-size msg))
- (arr (make-array len :element-type '(unsigned-byte))))
- (dotimes (i len)
- (setf (aref arr i) (mem-aref data :uchar i)))
- arr))))
-(defun send (s msg &optional flags)
- (%send s (msg-raw msg) (or flags 0)))
-(defun recv (s msg &optional flags)
- (%recv s (msg-raw msg) (or flags 0)))
-(defun msg-init-size (msg size)
- (%msg-init-size (msg-raw msg) size))
-(defun msg-close (msg)
- (%msg-close (msg-raw msg)))
-(defun msg-size (msg)
- (%msg-size (msg-raw msg)))
-(defun msg-move (dst src)
- (%msg-move (msg-raw dst) (msg-raw src)))
-(defun msg-copy (dst src)
- (%msg-copy (msg-raw dst) (msg-raw src)))
-(defun setsockopt (socket option value)
- (etypecase value
- (string (with-foreign-string (string value)
- (%setsockopt socket option string (length value))))
- (integer (with-foreign-object (int :long 2)
- (setf (mem-aref int :long 0) value)
- (%setsockopt socket option int (foreign-type-size :long))))))
-(defun poll (items &optional (timeout -1))
- (let ((len (length items)))
- (with-foreign-object (%items 'pollitem len)
- (dotimes (i len)
- (let ((item (nth i items))
- (%item (mem-aref %items 'pollitem i)))
- (with-foreign-slots ((socket fd events revents) %item pollitem)
- (setf socket (pollitem-socket item)
- fd (pollitem-fd item)
- events (pollitem-events item)))))
- (let ((ret (%poll %items len timeout)))
- (cond
- ((zerop ret) nil)
- ((> ret 0)
- (loop for i below len
- for revent = (foreign-slot-value (mem-aref %items 'pollitem i)
- 'pollitem
- 'revents)
- collect (setf (pollitem-revents (nth i items)) revent)))
- (t (error (convert-from-foreign (%strerror *errno*) :string))))))))
-(defmacro with-polls (list &body body)
- `(let ,(loop for (name . polls) in list
- collect `(,name
- (list
- ,@(loop for (socket . events) in polls
- collect `(make-instance 'pollitem
- :socket ,socket
- :events ,events)))))
- ,@body))
diff --git a/bindings/cl/zeromq.asd b/bindings/cl/zeromq.asd
deleted file mode 100644
index 3aa8d5e..0000000
--- a/bindings/cl/zeromq.asd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-;; Copyright (c) 2009 Vitaly Mayatskikh <>
-;; This file is part of 0MQ.
-;; 0MQ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-;; the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
-;; (at your option) any later version.
-;; 0MQ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; Lesser GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the Lesser GNU General Public License
-;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
-(cl:eval-when (:load-toplevel :execute)
- (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op :cffi)
- (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op :trivial-garbage)
- (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op :iolib.syscalls))
-(defpackage #:zeromq-asd
- (:use :cl :asdf))
-(in-package #:zeromq-asd)
-(defsystem zeromq
- :name "zeromq"
- :version "0.1"
- :author "Vitaly Mayatskikh <>"
- :licence "LGPLv3"
- :description "Zero MQ 2 bindings"
- :serial t
- :components ((:file "package")
- (:file "meta")
- (:file "zeromq")
- (:file "zeromq-api")))
diff --git a/bindings/cl/zeromq.lisp b/bindings/cl/zeromq.lisp
deleted file mode 100644
index 217b97c..0000000
--- a/bindings/cl/zeromq.lisp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
-;; Copyright (c) 2009 Vitaly Mayatskikh <>
-;; This file is part of 0MQ.
-;; 0MQ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-;; the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
-;; (at your option) any later version.
-;; 0MQ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; Lesser GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the Lesser GNU General Public License
-;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
-(in-package :zeromq)
-(defcvar "errno" :int)
-;; 0MQ errors.
-(defconstant hausnumero 156384712)
-;; On Windows platform some of the standard POSIX errnos are not defined.
-;; #ifndef ENOTSUP
-;; #define ENOTSUP (ZMQ_HAUSNUMERO + 1)
-;; #endif
-;; #endif
-;; #ifndef ENOBUFS
-;; #define ENOBUFS (ZMQ_HAUSNUMERO + 3)
-;; #endif
-;; #ifndef ENETDOWN
-;; #endif
-;; #ifndef EADDRINUSE
-;; #endif
-;; #endif
-;; Native 0MQ error codes.
-(defconstant emthread (+ hausnumero 50))
-(defconstant efsm (+ hausnumero 51))
-(defconstant enocompatproto (+ hausnumero 52))
-(defcfun ("zmq_strerror" %strerror) :pointer
- (errnum :int))
-;; 0MQ message definition.
-(defconstant max-vsm-size 30)
-;; Message types. These integers may be stored in 'content' member of the
-;; message instead of regular pointer to the data.
-(defconstant delimiter 31)
-(defconstant vsm 32)
-(defcstruct (msg)
- (content :pointer)
- (shared :uchar)
- (vsm-size :uchar)
- (vsm-data :uchar :count 30)) ;; FIXME max-vsm-size
-(defcfun ("zmq_msg_init" msg-init) :int
- (msg msg))
-(defcfun* ("zmq_msg_init_size" %msg-init-size) :int
- (msg msg)
- (size :long))
-(defcallback zmq-free :void ((ptr :pointer) (hint :pointer))
- (declare (ignorable hint))
- (foreign-free ptr))
-(defcfun ("zmq_msg_init_data" msg-init-data) :int
- (msg msg)
- (data :pointer)
- (size :long)
- (ffn :pointer) ; zmq_free_fn
- (hint :pointer))
-(defcfun* ("zmq_msg_close" %msg-close) :int
- (msg msg))
-(defcfun ("zmq_msg_move" %msg-move) :int
- (dest msg)
- (src msg))
-(defcfun ("zmq_msg_copy" %msg-copy) :int
- (dest msg)
- (src msg))
-(defcfun ("zmq_msg_data" %msg-data) :pointer
- (msg msg))
-(defcfun ("zmq_msg_size" %msg-size) :int
- (msg msg))
-;; 0MQ infrastructure (a.k.a. context) initialisation & termination.
-(defconstant poll 1)
-(defcfun* ("zmq_init" init) :pointer
- (app-threads :int)
- (io-threads :int)
- (flags :int))
-(defcfun ("zmq_term" term) :int
- (context :pointer))
-;; 0MQ socket definition.
-;; Creating a 0MQ socket.
-;; **********************
-(defconstant p2p 0)
-(defconstant pub 1)
-(defconstant sub 2)
-(defconstant req 3)
-(defconstant rep 4)
-(defconstant xreq 5)
-(defconstant xrep 6)
-(defconstant upstream 7)
-(defconstant downstream 8)
-(defcfun* ("zmq_socket" socket) :pointer
- (context :pointer)
- (type :int))
-;; Destroying the socket.
-;; **********************
-(defcfun ("zmq_close" close) :int
- (s :pointer))
-;; Manipulating socket options.
-;; ****************************
-;; Available socket options, their types and default values.
-(defconstant hwm 1)
-(defconstant lwm 2)
-(defconstant swap 3)
-(defconstant affinity 4)
-(defconstant identity 5)
-(defconstant subscribe 6)
-(defconstant unsubscribe 7)
-(defconstant rate 8)
-(defconstant recovery-ivl 9)
-(defconstant mcast-loop 10)
-(defconstant sndbuf 11)
-(defconstant rcvbuf 12)
-(defcfun* ("zmq_setsockopt" %setsockopt) :int
- (s :pointer)
- (option :int)
- (optval :pointer)
- (optvallen :long))
-;; Creating connections.
-;; *********************
-;; Addresses are composed of the name of the protocol to use followed by ://
-;; and a protocol-specific address. Available protocols:
-;; tcp - the address is composed of IP address and port delimited by colon
-;; sign (:). The IP address can be a hostname (with 'connect') or
-;; a network interface name (with 'bind'). Examples "tcp://eth0:5555",
-;; "tcp://", "tcp://".
-;; pgm & udp - both protocols have same address format. It's network interface
-;; to use, semicolon (;), multicast group IP address, colon (:) and
-;; port. Examples: "pgm://eth2;",
-;; "udp://;".
-(defcfun* ("zmq_bind" %bind) :int
- (s :pointer)
- (addr :pointer :char))
-(defcfun* ("zmq_connect" %connect) :int
- (s :pointer)
- (addr :pointer :char))
-;; Sending and receiving messages.
-;; *******************************
-(defconstant noblock 1)
-(defconstant noflush 2)
-(defcfun* ("zmq_send" %send) :int
- (s :pointer)
- (msg msg)
- :optional
- (flags :int))
-(defcfun* ("zmq_flush" flush) :int
- (s :pointer))
-(defcfun* ("zmq_recv" %recv) :int
- (s :pointer)
- (msg msg)
- :optional
- (flags :int))
-;; I/O multiplexing.
-(defconstant pollin 1)
-(defconstant pollout 2)
-(defcstruct pollitem
- (socket :pointer)
- (fd :int)
- (events :short)
- (revents :short))
-(defcfun ("zmq_poll" %poll) :int
- (items :pointer)
- (nitems :int)
- (timeout :long))
-;; Helper functions.
-;; Helper functions used by perf tests so that they don't have to care
-;; about minutiae of time-related functions on different OS platforms.
-(defcfun ("zmq_stopwatch_start" stopwatch-start) :pointer)
-(defcfun ("zmq_stopwatch_stop" stopwatch-stop) :ulong
- (watch :pointer))
-(defcfun ("zmq_sleep" sleep) :void
- (seconds :int))