path: root/bindings
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bindings')
14 files changed, 1963 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bindings/ b/bindings/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77b4ec2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+DIR_J = java
+DIR_P = python
+DIR_R = ruby
+DIST_SUBDIRS = java python ruby
diff --git a/bindings/c/zmq.h b/bindings/c/zmq.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..732ecb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/c/zmq.h
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2007-2009 FastMQ Inc.
+ This file is part of 0MQ.
+ 0MQ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ 0MQ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Lesser GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the Lesser GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#ifndef __ZMQ_H_INCLUDED__
+#define __ZMQ_H_INCLUDED__
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#include <stddef.h>
+#define ZMQ_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#define ZMQ_EXPORT
+// Maximal size of "Very Small Message". VSMs are passed by value
+// to avoid excessive memory allocation/deallocation.
+// If VMSs larger than 255 bytes are required, type of 'vsm_size'
+// field in zmq_msg_t structure should be modified accordingly.
+#define ZMQ_MAX_VSM_SIZE 30
+// Message & notification types.
+#define ZMQ_GAP 1
+#define ZMQ_DELIMITER 31
+#define ZMQ_VSM 32
+// Socket options.
+#define ZMQ_HWM 1 // int64_t
+#define ZMQ_LWM 2 // int64_t
+#define ZMQ_SWAP 3 // int64_t
+#define ZMQ_AFFINITY 4 // int64_t
+#define ZMQ_IDENTITY 5 // string
+#define ZMQ_SUBSCRIBE 6 // string
+#define ZMQ_UNSUBSCRIBE 7 // string
+#define ZMQ_RATE 8 // int64_t
+#define ZMQ_RECOVERY_IVL 9 // int64_t
+#define ZMQ_MCAST_LOOP 10 // int64_t
+// The operation should be performed in non-blocking mode. I.e. if it cannot
+// be processed immediately, error should be returned with errno set to EAGAIN.
+#define ZMQ_NOBLOCK 1
+// zmq_send should not flush the message downstream immediately. Instead, it
+// should batch ZMQ_NOFLUSH messages and send them downstream only if zmq_flush
+// is invoked. This is an optimisation for cases where several messages are
+// sent in a single business transaction. However, the effect is measurable
+// only in extremely high-perf scenarios (million messages a second or so).
+// If that's not your case, use standard flushing send instead. See exchange
+// example for illustration of ZMQ_NOFLUSH functionality.
+#define ZMQ_NOFLUSH 2
+// Socket to communicate with a single peer. Allows for a singe connect or a
+// single accept. There's no message routing or message filtering involved.
+#define ZMQ_P2P 0
+// Socket to distribute data. Recv fuction is not implemented for this socket
+// type. Messages are distributed in fanout fashion to all peers.
+#define ZMQ_PUB 1
+// Socket to subscribe to distributed data. Send function is not implemented
+// for this socket type. However, subscribe function can be used to modify the
+// message filter.
+#define ZMQ_SUB 2
+// Socket to send requests on and receive replies from. Requests are
+// load-balanced among all the peers. This socket type doesn't allow for more
+// recv's that there were send's.
+#define ZMQ_REQ 3
+// Socket to receive requests from and send replies to. This socket type allows
+// only an alternated sequence of recv's and send's. Each send is routed to
+// the peer that the previous recv delivered message from.
+#define ZMQ_REP 4
+// Prototype for the message body deallocation functions.
+// It is deliberately defined in the way to comply with standard C free.
+typedef void (zmq_free_fn) (void *data);
+// A message. If 'shared' is true, message content pointed to by 'content'
+// is shared, i.e. reference counting is used to manage its lifetime
+// rather than straighforward malloc/free. struct zmq_msg_content is
+// not declared in the API.
+struct zmq_msg_t
+ void *content;
+ unsigned char shared;
+ unsigned char vsm_size;
+ unsigned char vsm_data [ZMQ_MAX_VSM_SIZE];
+// Initialise an empty message (zero bytes long).
+ZMQ_EXPORT int zmq_msg_init (struct zmq_msg_t *msg);
+// Initialise a message 'size' bytes long.
+// Errors: ENOMEM - the size is too large to allocate.
+ZMQ_EXPORT int zmq_msg_init_size (struct zmq_msg_t *msg, size_t size);
+// Initialise a message from an existing buffer. Message isn't copied,
+// instead 0MQ infrastructure take ownership of the buffer and call
+// deallocation functio (ffn) once it's not needed anymore.
+ZMQ_EXPORT int zmq_msg_init_data (struct zmq_msg_t *msg, void *data,
+ size_t size, zmq_free_fn *ffn);
+// Deallocate the message.
+ZMQ_EXPORT int zmq_msg_close (struct zmq_msg_t *msg);
+// Move the content of the message from 'src' to 'dest'. The content isn't
+// copied, just moved. 'src' is an empty message after the call. Original
+// content of 'dest' message is deallocated.
+ZMQ_EXPORT int zmq_msg_move (struct zmq_msg_t *dest, struct zmq_msg_t *src);
+// Copy the 'src' message to 'dest'. The content isn't copied, instead
+// reference count is increased. Don't modify the message data after the
+// call as they are shared between two messages. Original content of 'dest'
+// message is deallocated.
+ZMQ_EXPORT int zmq_msg_copy (struct zmq_msg_t *dest, struct zmq_msg_t *src);
+// Returns pointer to message data.
+ZMQ_EXPORT void *zmq_msg_data (struct zmq_msg_t *msg);
+// Return size of message data (in bytes).
+ZMQ_EXPORT size_t zmq_msg_size (struct zmq_msg_t *msg);
+// Returns type of the message.
+ZMQ_EXPORT int zmq_msg_type (struct zmq_msg_t *msg);
+// Initialise 0MQ context. 'app_threads' specifies maximal number
+// of application threads that can have open sockets at the same time.
+// 'io_threads' specifies the size of thread pool to handle I/O operations.
+// Errors: EINVAL - one of the arguments is less than zero or there are no
+// threads declared at all.
+ZMQ_EXPORT void *zmq_init (int app_threads, int io_threads);
+// Deinitialise 0MQ context including all the open sockets. Closing
+// sockets after zmq_term has been called will result in undefined behaviour.
+ZMQ_EXPORT int zmq_term (void *context);
+// Open a socket.
+// Errors: EINVAL - invalid socket type.
+// EMFILE - the number of application threads entitled to hold open
+// sockets at the same time was exceeded.
+ZMQ_EXPORT void *zmq_socket (void *context, int type);
+// Close the socket.
+ZMQ_EXPORT int zmq_close (void *s);
+// Sets an option on the socket.
+// EINVAL - unknown option, a value with incorrect length or an invalid value.
+ZMQ_EXPORT int zmq_setsockopt (void *s, int option_, const void *optval_,
+ size_t optvallen_);
+// Bind the socket to a particular address.
+ZMQ_EXPORT int zmq_bind (void *s, const char *addr);
+// Connect the socket to a particular address.
+ZMQ_EXPORT int zmq_connect (void *s, const char *addr);
+// Send the message 'msg' to the socket 's'. 'flags' argument can be
+// combination of following values:
+// ZMQ_NOBLOCK - if message cannot be sent, return immediately.
+// ZMQ_NOFLUSH - message won't be sent immediately. It'll be sent with either
+// subsequent flushing send or explicit call to zmq_flush
+// function.
+// Errors: EAGAIN - message cannot be sent at the moment (applies only to
+// non-blocking send).
+// EFAULT - function isn't supported by particular socket type.
+ZMQ_EXPORT int zmq_send (void *s, struct zmq_msg_t *msg, int flags);
+// Flush the messages that were send using ZMQ_NOFLUSH flag down the stream.
+// Errors: FAULT - function isn't supported by particular socket type.
+ZMQ_EXPORT int zmq_flush (void *s);
+// Send a message from the socket 's'. 'flags' argument can be combination
+// of following values:
+// ZMQ_NOBLOCK - if message cannot be received, return immediately.
+// Errors: EAGAIN - message cannot be received at the moment (applies only to
+// non-blocking receive).
+// EFAULT - function isn't supported by particular socket type.
+ZMQ_EXPORT int zmq_recv (void *s, struct zmq_msg_t *msg, int flags);
+// Helper functions used by perf tests so that they don't have to care
+// about minutiae of time-related functions on different OS platforms.
+ZMQ_EXPORT void *zmq_stopwatch_start ();
+ZMQ_EXPORT unsigned long zmq_stopwatch_stop (void *watch_);
+ZMQ_EXPORT void zmq_sleep (int seconds_);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/bindings/cpp/zmq.hpp b/bindings/cpp/zmq.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..471d1d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/cpp/zmq.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2007-2009 FastMQ Inc.
+ This file is part of 0MQ.
+ 0MQ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ 0MQ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Lesser GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the Lesser GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#ifndef __ZMQ_HPP_INCLUDED__
+#define __ZMQ_HPP_INCLUDED__
+#include "zmq.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <exception>
+namespace zmq
+ typedef zmq_free_fn free_fn;
+ enum message_type_t
+ {
+ message_data = 1 << 0,
+ message_gap = 1 << ZMQ_GAP,
+ message_delimiter = 1 << ZMQ_DELIMITER
+ };
+ // The class masquerades POSIX-style errno error as a C++ exception.
+ class error_t : public std::exception
+ {
+ public:
+ error_t () : errnum (errno) {}
+ virtual const char *what () const throw ()
+ {
+#if defined _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning (push)
+#pragma warning (disable:4996)
+ return strerror (errnum);
+#if defined _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning (pop)
+ }
+ private:
+ int errnum;
+ };
+ // A message. Caution: Don't change the body of the message once you've
+ // copied it - the behaviour is undefined. Don't change the body of the
+ // received message either - other threads may be accessing it in parallel.
+ class message_t : private zmq_msg_t
+ {
+ friend class socket_t;
+ public:
+ // Creates message size_ bytes long.
+ inline message_t (size_t size_ = 0)
+ {
+ int rc = zmq_msg_init_size (this, size_);
+ if (rc != 0)
+ throw error_t ();
+ }
+ // Creates message from the supplied buffer. 0MQ takes care of
+ // deallocating the buffer once it is not needed. The deallocation
+ // function is supplied in ffn_ parameter. If ffn_ is NULL, no
+ // deallocation happens - this is useful for sending static buffers.
+ inline message_t (void *data_, size_t size_,
+ free_fn *ffn_)
+ {
+ int rc = zmq_msg_init_data (this, data_, size_, ffn_);
+ if (rc != 0)
+ throw error_t ();
+ }
+ // Destroys the message.
+ inline ~message_t ()
+ {
+ int rc = zmq_msg_close (this);
+ if (rc != 0)
+ throw error_t ();
+ }
+ // Destroys old content of the message and allocates buffer for the
+ // new message body. Having this as a separate function allows user
+ // to reuse once-allocated message for multiple times.
+ inline void rebuild (size_t size_)
+ {
+ int rc = zmq_msg_close (this);
+ if (rc != 0)
+ throw error_t ();
+ rc = zmq_msg_init_size (this, size_);
+ if (rc != 0)
+ throw error_t ();
+ }
+ // Same as above, however, the message is rebuilt from the supplied
+ // buffer. See appropriate constructor for discussion of buffer
+ // deallocation mechanism.
+ inline void rebuild (void *data_, size_t size_, free_fn *ffn_)
+ {
+ int rc = zmq_msg_close (this);
+ if (rc != 0)
+ throw error_t ();
+ rc = zmq_msg_init_data (this, data_, size_, ffn_);
+ if (rc != 0)
+ throw error_t ();
+ }
+ // Moves the message content from one message to the another. If the
+ // destination message have contained data prior to the operation
+ // these get deallocated. The source message will contain 0 bytes
+ // of data after the operation.
+ inline void move_to (message_t *msg_)
+ {
+ int rc = zmq_msg_move (this, (zmq_msg_t*) msg_);
+ if (rc != 0)
+ throw error_t ();
+ }
+ // Copies the message content from one message to the another. If the
+ // destination message have contained data prior to the operation
+ // these get deallocated.
+ inline void copy_to (message_t *msg_)
+ {
+ int rc = zmq_msg_copy (this, (zmq_msg_t*) msg_);
+ if (rc != 0)
+ throw error_t ();
+ }
+ // Returns message type.
+ inline message_type_t type ()
+ {
+ return (message_type_t) (1 << zmq_msg_type (this));
+ }
+ // Returns pointer to message's data buffer.
+ inline void *data ()
+ {
+ return zmq_msg_data (this);
+ }
+ // Returns the size of message data buffer.
+ inline size_t size ()
+ {
+ return zmq_msg_size (this);
+ }
+ private:
+ // Disable implicit message copying, so that users won't use shared
+ // messages (less efficient) without being aware of the fact.
+ message_t (const message_t&);
+ void operator = (const message_t&);
+ };
+ class context_t
+ {
+ friend class socket_t;
+ public:
+ inline context_t (int app_threads_, int io_threads_)
+ {
+ ptr = zmq_init (app_threads_, io_threads_);
+ if (ptr == NULL)
+ throw error_t ();
+ }
+ inline ~context_t ()
+ {
+ int rc = zmq_term (ptr);
+ assert (rc == 0);
+ }
+ private:
+ void *ptr;
+ // Disable copying.
+ context_t (const context_t&);
+ void operator = (const context_t&);
+ };
+ class socket_t
+ {
+ public:
+ inline socket_t (context_t &context_, int type_ = 0)
+ {
+ ptr = zmq_socket (context_.ptr, type_);
+ if (ptr == NULL)
+ throw error_t ();
+ }
+ inline ~socket_t ()
+ {
+ int rc = zmq_close (ptr);
+ if (rc != 0)
+ throw error_t ();
+ }
+ inline void setsockopt (int option_, const void *optval_,
+ size_t optvallen_)
+ {
+ int rc = zmq_setsockopt (ptr, option_, optval_, optvallen_);
+ if (rc != 0)
+ throw error_t ();
+ }
+ inline void bind (const char *addr_)
+ {
+ int rc = zmq_bind (ptr, addr_);
+ if (rc != 0)
+ throw error_t ();
+ }
+ inline void connect (const char *addr_)
+ {
+ int rc = zmq_connect (ptr, addr_);
+ if (rc != 0)
+ throw error_t ();
+ }
+ inline bool send (message_t &msg_, int flags_ = 0)
+ {
+ int rc = zmq_send (ptr, &msg_, flags_);
+ if (rc == 0)
+ return true;
+ if (rc == -1 && errno == EAGAIN)
+ return false;
+ throw error_t ();
+ }
+ inline void flush ()
+ {
+ int rc = zmq_flush (ptr);
+ if (rc != 0)
+ throw error_t ();
+ }
+ inline bool recv (message_t *msg_, int flags_ = 0)
+ {
+ int rc = zmq_recv (ptr, msg_, flags_);
+ if (rc == 0)
+ return true;
+ if (rc == -1 && errno == EAGAIN)
+ return false;
+ throw error_t ();
+ }
+ private:
+ void *ptr;
+ // Disable copying.
+ socket_t (const socket_t&);
+ void operator = (const socket_t&);
+ };
diff --git a/bindings/java/Context.cpp b/bindings/java/Context.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67094e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/java/Context.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2007-2009 FastMQ Inc.
+ This file is part of 0MQ.
+ 0MQ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ 0MQ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Lesser GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the Lesser GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include "zmq.h"
+#include "org_zmq_Context.h"
+static jfieldID ctx_handle_fid = NULL;
+static void raise_exception (JNIEnv *env, int err)
+ // Get exception class.
+ jclass exception_class = env->FindClass ("java/lang/Exception");
+ assert (exception_class);
+ // Get text description of the exception.
+#if defined _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning (push)
+#pragma warning (disable:4996)
+ const char *err_msg = strerror (err);
+#if defined _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning (pop)
+ // Raise the exception.
+ int rc = env->ThrowNew (exception_class, err_msg);
+ assert (rc == 0);
+ // Free the local ref.
+ env->DeleteLocalRef (exception_class);
+JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_zmq_Context_construct (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj,
+ jint app_threads, jint io_threads)
+ if (ctx_handle_fid == NULL) {
+ jclass cls = env->GetObjectClass (obj);
+ assert (cls);
+ ctx_handle_fid = env->GetFieldID (cls, "contextHandle", "J");
+ assert (ctx_handle_fid);
+ env->DeleteLocalRef (cls);
+ }
+ void *ctx = zmq_init (app_threads, io_threads);
+ if (ctx == NULL) {
+ raise_exception (env, errno);
+ return;
+ }
+ env->SetLongField (obj, ctx_handle_fid, (jlong) ctx);
+JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_zmq_Context_finalize (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj)
+ void *ctx = (void*) env->GetLongField (obj, ctx_handle_fid);
+ assert (ctx);
+ int rc = zmq_term (ctx);
+ assert (rc == 0);
+JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_org_zmq_Context_createSocket (JNIEnv *env,
+ jobject obj, jint type)
+ void *ctx = (void*) env->GetLongField (obj, ctx_handle_fid);
+ assert (ctx);
+ void *s = zmq_socket (ctx, type);
+ if (s == NULL) {
+ raise_exception (env, errno);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return (jlong) s;
diff --git a/bindings/java/ b/bindings/java/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9e430c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/java/
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# We do not want to install Jzmq.class file
+# user has to copy it to the right location.
+#jzmqdir = /tmp
+jarfile = Zmq.jar
+jardir = $(datadir)/java
+$(jarfile): $(dist_noinst_JAVA)
+ $(JAR) cf $(JARFLAGS) $@ org/zmq/*.class
+jar_DATA = $(jarfile)
+dist_noinst_JAVA = \
+ org/zmq/ \
+ org/zmq/
+libjzmq_la_SOURCES = \
+ Context.cpp \
+ org_zmq_Context.h \
+ Socket.cpp \
+ org_zmq_Socket.h
+libjzmq_la_CXXFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir)/src/libzmq \
+@JAVA_INCLUDE@ -I$(top_srcdir)/bindings/c -Wall
+libjzmq_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info @JLTVER@
+libjzmq_la_LIBADD = $(top_builddir)/src/
+ org/zmq/Context.class \
+ org_zmq_Context.h \
+ org/zmq/Socket.class \
+ org_zmq_Socket.h
+ org/zmq/Context.class \
+ org_zmq_Context.h \
+ org/zmq/Socket.class \
+ org_zmq_Socket.h \
+ Zmq.jar
+$(srcdir)/Context.cpp: org_zmq_Context.h
+org_zmq_Context.h: org/zmq/Context.class
+ $(CLASSPATH_ENV) $(JAVAH) -jni -classpath . org.zmq.Context
+./org/zmq/Context.class: classdist_noinst.stamp
+$(srcdir)/Socket.cpp: org_zmq_Socket.h
+org_zmq_Socket.h: org/zmq/Socket.class
+ $(CLASSPATH_ENV) $(JAVAH) -jni -classpath . org.zmq.Socket
+./org/zmq/Socket.class: classdist_noinst.stamp
+ -rm $(distdir)/*.h
diff --git a/bindings/java/Socket.cpp b/bindings/java/Socket.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2274535
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/java/Socket.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2007-2009 FastMQ Inc.
+ This file is part of 0MQ.
+ 0MQ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ 0MQ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Lesser GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the Lesser GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include "../src/stdint.hpp"
+#include "zmq.h"
+#include "org_zmq_Socket.h"
+static jfieldID socket_handle_fid = NULL;
+static jmethodID create_socket_mid = NULL;
+static void raise_exception (JNIEnv *env, int err)
+ // Get exception class.
+ jclass exception_class = env->FindClass ("java/lang/Exception");
+ assert (exception_class);
+ // Get text description of the exception.
+#if defined _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning (push)
+#pragma warning (disable:4996)
+ const char *err_msg = strerror (err);
+#if defined _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning (pop)
+ // Raise the exception.
+ int rc = env->ThrowNew (exception_class, err_msg);
+ assert (rc == 0);
+ // Free the local ref.
+ env->DeleteLocalRef (exception_class);
+JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_zmq_Socket_construct (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj,
+ jobject context, jint type)
+ if (socket_handle_fid == NULL) {
+ jclass cls = env->GetObjectClass (obj);
+ assert (cls);
+ socket_handle_fid = env->GetFieldID (cls, "socketHandle", "J");
+ assert (socket_handle_fid);
+ env->DeleteLocalRef (cls);
+ }
+ if (create_socket_mid == NULL) {
+ jclass cls = env->FindClass ("org/zmq/Context");
+ assert (cls);
+ create_socket_mid = env->GetMethodID (cls, "createSocket", "(I)J");
+ assert (create_socket_mid);
+ env->DeleteLocalRef (cls);
+ }
+ void *s = (void*) env->CallLongMethod (context, create_socket_mid, type);
+ if (env->ExceptionCheck ())
+ return;
+ env->SetLongField (obj, socket_handle_fid, (jlong) s);
+JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_zmq_Socket_finalize (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj)
+ void *s = (void*) env->GetLongField (obj, socket_handle_fid);
+ assert (s);
+ int rc = zmq_close (s);
+ assert (rc == 0);
+JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_zmq_Socket_setsockopt__IJ (JNIEnv *env,
+ jobject obj, jint option, jlong optval)
+ switch (option) {
+ case ZMQ_HWM:
+ case ZMQ_LWM:
+ case ZMQ_SWAP:
+ case ZMQ_RATE:
+ {
+ void *s = (void*) env->GetLongField (obj, socket_handle_fid);
+ assert (s);
+ int64_t value = optval;
+ int rc = zmq_setsockopt (s, option, &value, sizeof (value));
+ if (rc != 0)
+ raise_exception (env, errno);
+ return;
+ }
+ default:
+ raise_exception (env, EINVAL);
+ return;
+ }
+JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_zmq_Socket_setsockopt__ILjava_lang_String_2 (
+ JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jint option, jstring optval)
+ switch (option) {
+ {
+ if (optval == NULL) {
+ raise_exception (env, EINVAL);
+ return;
+ }
+ void *s = (void*) env->GetLongField (obj, socket_handle_fid);
+ assert (s);
+ const char *value = env->GetStringUTFChars (optval, NULL);
+ assert (value);
+ int rc = zmq_setsockopt (s, option, value, strlen (value));
+ env->ReleaseStringUTFChars (optval, value);
+ if (rc != 0)
+ raise_exception (env, errno);
+ return;
+ }
+ default:
+ raise_exception (env, EINVAL);
+ return;
+ }
+JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_zmq_Socket_bind (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj,
+ jstring addr)
+ void *s = (void*) env->GetLongField (obj, socket_handle_fid);
+ assert (s);
+ if (addr == NULL) {
+ raise_exception (env, EINVAL);
+ return;
+ }
+ const char *c_addr = env->GetStringUTFChars (addr, NULL);
+ if (c_addr == NULL) {
+ raise_exception (env, EINVAL);
+ return;
+ }
+ int rc = zmq_bind (s, c_addr);
+ env->ReleaseStringUTFChars (addr, c_addr);
+ if (rc == -1)
+ raise_exception (env, errno);
+JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_zmq_Socket_connect (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj,
+ jstring addr)
+ void *s = (void*) env->GetLongField (obj, socket_handle_fid);
+ assert (s);
+ if (addr == NULL) {
+ raise_exception (env, EINVAL);
+ return;
+ }
+ const char *c_addr = env->GetStringUTFChars (addr, NULL);
+ if (c_addr == NULL) {
+ raise_exception (env, EINVAL);
+ return;
+ }
+ int rc = zmq_connect (s, c_addr);
+ env->ReleaseStringUTFChars (addr, c_addr);
+ if (rc == -1)
+ raise_exception (env, errno);
+JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_org_zmq_Socket_send (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj,
+ jbyteArray msg, jlong flags)
+ void *s = (void*) env->GetLongField (obj, socket_handle_fid);
+ assert (s);
+ jsize size = env->GetArrayLength (msg);
+ jbyte *data = env->GetByteArrayElements (msg, 0);
+ zmq_msg_t message;
+ int rc = zmq_msg_init_size (&message, size);
+ assert (rc == 0);
+ memcpy (zmq_msg_data (&message), data, size);
+ env->ReleaseByteArrayElements (msg, data, 0);
+ rc = zmq_send (s, &message, (int) flags);
+ if (rc == -1 && errno == EAGAIN) {
+ rc = zmq_msg_close (&message);
+ assert (rc == 0);
+ return JNI_FALSE;
+ }
+ if (rc == -1) {
+ raise_exception (env, errno);
+ rc = zmq_msg_close (&message);
+ assert (rc == 0);
+ return JNI_FALSE;
+ }
+ rc = zmq_msg_close (&message);
+ assert (rc == 0);
+ return JNI_TRUE;
+JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_zmq_Socket_flush (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj)
+ void *s = (void*) env->GetLongField (obj, socket_handle_fid);
+ assert (s);
+ int rc = zmq_flush (s);
+ if (rc == -1) {
+ raise_exception (env, errno);
+ return ;
+ }
+JNIEXPORT jbyteArray JNICALL Java_org_zmq_Socket_recv (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj,
+ jlong flags)
+ void *s = (void*) env->GetLongField (obj, socket_handle_fid);
+ assert (s);
+ zmq_msg_t message;
+ zmq_msg_init (&message);
+ int rc = zmq_recv (s, &message, (int) flags);
+ if (rc == -1 && errno == EAGAIN) {
+ zmq_msg_close (&message);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (rc == -1) {
+ raise_exception (env, errno);
+ zmq_msg_close (&message);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ jbyteArray data = env->NewByteArray (zmq_msg_size (&message));
+ assert (data);
+ env->SetByteArrayRegion (data, 0, zmq_msg_size (&message),
+ (jbyte*) zmq_msg_data (&message));
+ return data;
diff --git a/bindings/java/org/zmq/ b/bindings/java/org/zmq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c63ef60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/java/org/zmq/
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2007-2009 FastMQ Inc.
+ This file is part of 0MQ.
+ 0MQ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ 0MQ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Lesser GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the Lesser GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <>.
+package org.zmq;
+public class Context {
+ static {
+ System.loadLibrary("jzmq");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Class constructor.
+ *
+ * @param appThreads maximum number of application threads.
+ * @param ioThreads size of the threads pool to handle I/O operations.
+ */
+ public Context (int appThreads, int ioThreads) {
+ construct (appThreads, ioThreads);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Internal function. Do not use directly!
+ */
+ public native long createSocket (int type);
+ /** Initialize the JNI interface */
+ protected native void construct (int appThreads, int ioThreads);
+ /** Free resources used by JNI driver. */
+ protected native void finalize ();
+ /** Opaque data used by JNI driver. */
+ private long contextHandle;
diff --git a/bindings/java/org/zmq/ b/bindings/java/org/zmq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..501bc16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/java/org/zmq/
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+ /*
+ Copyright (c) 2007-2009 FastMQ Inc.
+ This file is part of 0MQ.
+ 0MQ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ 0MQ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Lesser GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the Lesser GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <>.
+package org.zmq;
+public class Socket
+ static {
+ System.loadLibrary("jzmq");
+ }
+ public static final int NOBLOCK = 1;
+ public static final int NOFLUSH = 2;
+ public static final int P2P = 0;
+ public static final int PUB = 1;
+ public static final int SUB = 2;
+ public static final int REQ = 3;
+ public static final int REP = 4;
+ public static final int HWM = 1;
+ public static final int LWM = 2;
+ public static final int SWAP = 3;
+ public static final int AFFINITY = 4;
+ public static final int IDENTITY = 5;
+ public static final int SUBSCRIBE = 6;
+ public static final int UNSUBSCRIBE = 7;
+ public static final int RATE = 8;
+ public static final int RECOVERY_IVL = 9;
+ public static final int MCAST_LOOP = 10;
+ /**
+ * Class constructor.
+ *
+ * @param context
+ * @param type
+ */
+ public Socket (Context context, int type) {
+ construct (context, type);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the socket option value.
+ *
+ * @param option ID of the option to set
+ * @param optval value to set the option to
+ */
+ public native void setsockopt (int option, long optval);
+ public native void setsockopt (int option, String optval);
+ /**
+ * Bind to network interface. Start listening for new connections.
+ *
+ * @param addr
+ */
+ public native void bind (String addr);
+ /**
+ * Connect to remote application.
+ *
+ * @param addr
+ */
+ public native void connect (String addr);
+ /**
+ * Send the message.
+ *
+ * @param msg
+ * @param flags
+ */
+ public native boolean send (byte [] msg, long flags);
+ /**
+ * Flush the messages down the stream.
+ */
+ public native void flush ();
+ /**
+ * Receive message.
+ *
+ * @param flags
+ * @return
+ */
+ public native byte [] recv (long flags);
+ /** Initialize JNI driver */
+ protected native void construct (Context context, int type);
+ /** Free all resources used by JNI driver. */
+ protected native void finalize ();
+ /** Opaque data used by JNI driver. */
+ private long socketHandle;
diff --git a/bindings/python/ b/bindings/python/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..effe8b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/python/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+INCLUDES = -I$(top_builddir) -I$(top_srcdir) -I$(top_srcdir)/libzmq \
+-I$(top_builddir)/libzmq $(PYTHON_INCLUDES)
+libpyzmq_la_SOURCES = pyzmq.cpp
+libpyzmq_la_LIBADD = $(top_builddir)/src/
+libpyzmq_la_LDFLAGS = -avoid-version
diff --git a/bindings/python/pyzmq.cpp b/bindings/python/pyzmq.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..628d037
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/python/pyzmq.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,528 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2007-2009 FastMQ Inc.
+ This file is part of 0MQ.
+ 0MQ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ 0MQ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Lesser GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the Lesser GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <Python.h>
+#include "../c/zmq.h"
+#if defined _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning (push)
+#pragma warning (disable:4996)
+struct context_t
+ PyObject_HEAD
+ void *handle;
+PyObject *context_new (PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+ context_t *self = (context_t*) type->tp_alloc (type, 0);
+ if (self)
+ self->handle = NULL;
+ return (PyObject*) self;
+int context_init (context_t *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwdict)
+ int app_threads;
+ int io_threads;
+ static const char *kwlist [] = {"app_threads", "io_threads", NULL};
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords (args, kwdict, "ii", (char**) kwlist,
+ &app_threads, &io_threads)) {
+ PyErr_SetString (PyExc_SystemError, "invalid arguments");
+ return -1; // ?
+ }
+ assert (!self->handle);
+ self->handle = zmq_init (app_threads, io_threads);
+ if (!self->handle) {
+ PyErr_SetString (PyExc_SystemError, strerror (errno));
+ return -1; // ?
+ }
+ return 0;
+void context_dealloc (context_t *self)
+ if (self->handle) {
+ int rc = zmq_term (self->handle);
+ if (rc != 0)
+ PyErr_SetString (PyExc_SystemError, strerror (errno));
+ }
+ self->ob_type->tp_free ((PyObject*) self);
+struct socket_t
+ PyObject_HEAD
+ void *handle;
+PyObject *socket_new (PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+ socket_t *self = (socket_t*) type->tp_alloc (type, 0);
+ if (self)
+ self->handle = NULL;
+ return (PyObject*) self;
+int socket_init (socket_t *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwdict)
+ context_t *context;
+ int socket_type;
+ static const char *kwlist [] = {"context", "type", NULL};
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords (args, kwdict, "Oi", (char**) kwlist,
+ &context, &socket_type)) {
+ PyErr_SetString (PyExc_SystemError, "invalid arguments");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // TODO: Check whether 'context' is really a libpyzmq.Context object.
+ assert (!self->handle);
+ self->handle = zmq_socket (context->handle, socket_type);
+ if (!self->handle) {
+ PyErr_SetString (PyExc_SystemError, strerror (errno));
+ return -1; // ?
+ }
+ return 0;
+void socket_dealloc (socket_t *self)
+ if (self->handle) {
+ int rc = zmq_close (self->handle);
+ if (rc != 0)
+ PyErr_SetString (PyExc_SystemError, strerror (errno));
+ }
+ self->ob_type->tp_free ((PyObject*) self);
+PyObject *socket_setsockopt (socket_t *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwdict)
+ int option;
+ PyObject* optval;
+ static const char *kwlist [] = {"option", "optval", NULL};
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords (args, kwdict, "iO", (char**) kwlist,
+ &option, &optval)) {
+ PyErr_SetString (PyExc_SystemError, "invalid arguments");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ int rc = 0;
+ switch (option) {
+ case ZMQ_HWM:
+ case ZMQ_LWM:
+ case ZMQ_SWAP:
+ case ZMQ_RATE:
+ {
+ int val = PyInt_AsLong (optval);
+ rc = zmq_setsockopt (self->handle, option, &val, sizeof (int));
+ break;
+ }
+ rc = zmq_setsockopt (self->handle, option, PyString_AsString (optval),
+ PyString_Size (optval));
+ break;
+ default:
+ rc = -1;
+ errno = EINVAL;
+ }
+ if (rc != 0) {
+ PyErr_SetString (PyExc_SystemError, strerror (errno));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ Py_INCREF (Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+PyObject *socket_bind (socket_t *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwdict)
+ char const *addr;
+ static const char *kwlist [] = {"addr", NULL};
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords (args, kwdict, "s", (char**) kwlist,
+ &addr)) {
+ PyErr_SetString (PyExc_SystemError, "invalid arguments");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ int rc = zmq_bind (self->handle, addr);
+ if (rc != 0) {
+ PyErr_SetString (PyExc_SystemError, strerror (errno));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ Py_INCREF (Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+PyObject *socket_connect (socket_t *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwdict)
+ char const *addr;
+ static const char *kwlist [] = {"addr", NULL};
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords (args, kwdict, "s", (char**) kwlist,
+ &addr)) {
+ PyErr_SetString (PyExc_SystemError, "invalid arguments");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ int rc = zmq_connect (self->handle, addr);
+ if (rc != 0) {
+ PyErr_SetString (PyExc_SystemError, strerror (errno));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ Py_INCREF (Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+PyObject *socket_send (socket_t *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwdict)
+ PyObject *msg; /* = PyString_FromStringAndSize (NULL, 0); */
+ int flags = 0;
+ static const char *kwlist [] = {"msg", "flags", NULL};
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords (args, kwdict, "S|i", (char**) kwlist,
+ &msg, &flags)) {
+ PyErr_SetString (PyExc_SystemError, "invalid arguments");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ zmq_msg_t data;
+ int rc = zmq_msg_init_size (&data, PyString_Size (msg));
+ if (rc != 0) {
+ PyErr_SetString (PyExc_SystemError, strerror (errno));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ memcpy (zmq_msg_data (&data), PyString_AsString (msg),
+ zmq_msg_size (&data));
+ rc = zmq_send (self->handle, &data, flags);
+ int rc2 = zmq_msg_close (&data);
+ assert (rc2 == 0);
+ if (rc != 0 && errno == EAGAIN)
+ return PyBool_FromLong (0);
+ if (rc != 0) {
+ PyErr_SetString (PyExc_SystemError, strerror (errno));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return PyBool_FromLong (1);
+PyObject *socket_flush (socket_t *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwdict)
+ static const char *kwlist [] = {NULL};
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords (args, kwdict, "", (char**) kwlist)) {
+ PyErr_SetString (PyExc_SystemError, "invalid arguments");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ int rc = zmq_flush (self->handle);
+ if (rc != 0) {
+ PyErr_SetString (PyExc_SystemError, strerror (errno));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ Py_INCREF (Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+PyObject *socket_recv (socket_t *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwdict)
+ int flags = 0;
+ static const char *kwlist [] = {"flags", NULL};
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords (args, kwdict, "|i", (char**) kwlist,
+ &flags)) {
+ PyErr_SetString (PyExc_SystemError, "invalid arguments");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ zmq_msg_t msg;
+ int rc = zmq_msg_init (&msg);
+ assert (rc == 0);
+ rc = zmq_recv (self->handle, &msg, flags);
+ if (rc != 0 && errno == EAGAIN) {
+ Py_INCREF (Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+ }
+ if (rc != 0) {
+ PyErr_SetString (PyExc_SystemError, "invalid arguments");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ PyObject *result = PyString_FromStringAndSize ((char*) zmq_msg_data (&msg),
+ zmq_msg_size (&msg));
+ rc = zmq_msg_close (&msg);
+ assert (rc == 0);
+ return result;
+static PyMethodDef context_methods [] =
+ {
+ }
+static PyTypeObject context_type =
+ 0,
+ "libpyzmq.Context", /* tp_name */
+ sizeof (context_t), /* tp_basicsize */
+ 0, /* tp_itemsize */
+ (destructor) context_dealloc, /* tp_dealloc */
+ 0, /* tp_print */
+ 0, /* tp_getattr */
+ 0, /* tp_setattr */
+ 0, /* tp_compare */
+ 0, /* tp_repr */
+ 0, /* tp_as_number */
+ 0, /* tp_as_sequence */
+ 0, /* tp_as_mapping */
+ 0, /* tp_hash */
+ 0, /* tp_call */
+ 0, /* tp_str */
+ 0, /* tp_getattro */
+ 0, /* tp_setattro */
+ 0, /* tp_as_buffer */
+ Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT, /* tp_flags */
+ "", /* tp_doc */
+ 0, /* tp_traverse */
+ 0, /* tp_clear */
+ 0, /* tp_richcompare */
+ 0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_iter */
+ 0, /* tp_iternext */
+ context_methods, /* tp_methods */
+ 0, /* tp_members */
+ 0, /* tp_getset */
+ 0, /* tp_base */
+ 0, /* tp_dict */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_get */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_set */
+ 0, /* tp_dictoffset */
+ (initproc) context_init, /* tp_init */
+ 0, /* tp_alloc */
+ context_new /* tp_new */
+static PyMethodDef socket_methods [] =
+ {
+ "setsockopt",
+ (PyCFunction) socket_setsockopt,
+ "setsockopt (option, optval) -> None\n\n"
+ },
+ {
+ "bind",
+ (PyCFunction) socket_bind,
+ "bind (addr) -> None\n\n"
+ },
+ {
+ "connect",
+ (PyCFunction) socket_connect,
+ "connect (addr) -> None\n\n"
+ },
+ {
+ "send",
+ (PyCFunction) socket_send,
+ "send (msg, [flags]) -> Bool\n\n"
+ },
+ {
+ "flush",
+ (PyCFunction) socket_flush,
+ "flush () -> None\n\n"
+ },
+ {
+ "recv",
+ (PyCFunction) socket_recv,
+ "recv ([flags]) -> String\n\n"
+ },
+ {
+ }
+static PyTypeObject socket_type =
+ 0,
+ "libpyzmq.Socket", /* tp_name */
+ sizeof (socket_t), /* tp_basicsize */
+ 0, /* tp_itemsize */
+ (destructor) socket_dealloc, /* tp_dealloc */
+ 0, /* tp_print */
+ 0, /* tp_getattr */
+ 0, /* tp_setattr */
+ 0, /* tp_compare */
+ 0, /* tp_repr */
+ 0, /* tp_as_number */
+ 0, /* tp_as_sequence */
+ 0, /* tp_as_mapping */
+ 0, /* tp_hash */
+ 0, /* tp_call */
+ 0, /* tp_str */
+ 0, /* tp_getattro */
+ 0, /* tp_setattro */
+ 0, /* tp_as_buffer */
+ Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT, /* tp_flags */
+ "", /* tp_doc */
+ 0, /* tp_traverse */
+ 0, /* tp_clear */
+ 0, /* tp_richcompare */
+ 0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_iter */
+ 0, /* tp_iternext */
+ socket_methods, /* tp_methods */
+ 0, /* tp_members */
+ 0, /* tp_getset */
+ 0, /* tp_base */
+ 0, /* tp_dict */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_get */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_set */
+ 0, /* tp_dictoffset */
+ (initproc) socket_init, /* tp_init */
+ 0, /* tp_alloc */
+ socket_new /* tp_new */
+static PyMethodDef module_methods [] = {{ NULL, NULL, 0, NULL }};
+static const char* libpyzmq_doc =
+ "Python API for 0MQ lightweight messaging kernel.\n"
+ "For more information see\n"
+ "0MQ is distributed under GNU Lesser General Public License v3.\n";
+#define PyMODINIT_FUNC void
+PyMODINIT_FUNC initlibpyzmq ()
+ int rc = PyType_Ready (&context_type);
+ assert (rc == 0);
+ rc = PyType_Ready (&socket_type);
+ assert (rc == 0);
+ PyObject *module = Py_InitModule3 ("libpyzmq", module_methods,
+ libpyzmq_doc);
+ if (!module)
+ return;
+ Py_INCREF (&context_type);
+ PyModule_AddObject (module, "Context", (PyObject*) &context_type);
+ Py_INCREF (&socket_type);
+ PyModule_AddObject (module, "Socket", (PyObject*) &socket_type);
+ PyObject *dict = PyModule_GetDict (module);
+ assert (dict);
+ PyObject *t;
+ t = PyInt_FromLong (ZMQ_NOBLOCK);
+ PyDict_SetItemString (dict, "NOBLOCK", t);
+ Py_DECREF (t);
+ t = PyInt_FromLong (ZMQ_NOFLUSH);
+ PyDict_SetItemString (dict, "NOFLUSH", t);
+ Py_DECREF (t);
+ t = PyInt_FromLong (ZMQ_P2P);
+ PyDict_SetItemString (dict, "P2P", t);
+ Py_DECREF (t);
+ t = PyInt_FromLong (ZMQ_PUB);
+ PyDict_SetItemString (dict, "PUB", t);
+ Py_DECREF (t);
+ t = PyInt_FromLong (ZMQ_SUB);
+ PyDict_SetItemString (dict, "SUB", t);
+ Py_DECREF (t);
+ t = PyInt_FromLong (ZMQ_REQ);
+ PyDict_SetItemString (dict, "REQ", t);
+ Py_DECREF (t);
+ t = PyInt_FromLong (ZMQ_REP);
+ PyDict_SetItemString (dict, "REP", t);
+ Py_DECREF (t);
+ t = PyInt_FromLong (ZMQ_HWM);
+ PyDict_SetItemString (dict, "HWM", t);
+ Py_DECREF (t);
+ t = PyInt_FromLong (ZMQ_LWM);
+ PyDict_SetItemString (dict, "LWM", t);
+ Py_DECREF (t);
+ t = PyInt_FromLong (ZMQ_SWAP);
+ PyDict_SetItemString (dict, "SWAP", t);
+ Py_DECREF (t);
+ t = PyInt_FromLong (ZMQ_AFFINITY);
+ PyDict_SetItemString (dict, "AFFINITY", t);
+ Py_DECREF (t);
+ t = PyInt_FromLong (ZMQ_IDENTITY);
+ PyDict_SetItemString (dict, "IDENTITY", t);
+ Py_DECREF (t);
+ t = PyInt_FromLong (ZMQ_SUBSCRIBE);
+ PyDict_SetItemString (dict, "SUBSCRIBE", t);
+ Py_DECREF (t);
+ t = PyInt_FromLong (ZMQ_UNSUBSCRIBE);
+ PyDict_SetItemString (dict, "UNSUBSCRIBE", t);
+ Py_DECREF (t);
+ t = PyInt_FromLong (ZMQ_RATE);
+ PyDict_SetItemString (dict, "RATE", t);
+ Py_DECREF (t);
+ t = PyInt_FromLong (ZMQ_RECOVERY_IVL);
+ PyDict_SetItemString (dict, "RECOVERY_IVL", t);
+ Py_DECREF (t);
+ t = PyInt_FromLong (ZMQ_MCAST_LOOP);
+ PyDict_SetItemString (dict, "MCAST_LOOP", t);
+ Py_DECREF (t);
+#if defined _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning (pop)
diff --git a/bindings/python/ b/bindings/python/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7055d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/python/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+from distutils.core import setup, Extension
+module1 = Extension('libpyzmq',
+ libraries = ['zmq'],
+ library_dirs = ['@prefix@/lib'],
+ include_dirs = ['@PYTHON_SETUP_INCLUDES@','@prefix@/include'],
+ sources = ['pyzmq.cpp'])
+setup (name = 'libyzmq',
+ version = '@VERSION@',
+ description = '0MQ Python library',
+ ext_modules = [module1])
diff --git a/bindings/ruby/ b/bindings/ruby/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..148daf0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/ruby/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+INCLUDES = -I$(top_builddir) -I$(top_srcdir)/include -I$(top_builddir)/include
+rblibdir = @RUBYDIR@
+librbzmq_la_SOURCES = rbzmq.cpp
+librbzmq_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info @RBLTVER@
+librbzmq_la_CXXFLAGS = -Wall -pedantic -Werror -Wno-long-long
+librbzmq_la_LIBADD = $(top_builddir)/src/
diff --git a/bindings/ruby/extconf.rb b/bindings/ruby/extconf.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f931c5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/ruby/extconf.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2007-2009 FastMQ Inc.
+# This file is part of 0MQ.
+# 0MQ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# 0MQ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the Lesser GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+require 'mkmf'
diff --git a/bindings/ruby/rbzmq.cpp b/bindings/ruby/rbzmq.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf0d9bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/ruby/rbzmq.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2007-2009 FastMQ Inc.
+ This file is part of 0MQ.
+ 0MQ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ 0MQ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Lesser GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the Lesser GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <ruby.h>
+#include "../c/zmq.h"
+static void context_free (void *ctx)
+ if (ctx) {
+ int rc = zmq_term (ctx);
+ assert (rc == 0);
+ }
+static VALUE context_alloc (VALUE class_)
+ return rb_data_object_alloc (class_, NULL, 0, context_free);
+static VALUE context_initialize (VALUE self_, VALUE app_threads_,
+ VALUE io_threads_)
+ assert (!DATA_PTR (self_));
+ void *ctx = zmq_init (NUM2INT (app_threads_), NUM2INT (io_threads_));
+ if (!ctx) {
+ rb_raise (rb_eRuntimeError, strerror (errno));
+ return Qnil;
+ }
+ DATA_PTR (self_) = (void*) ctx;
+ return self_;
+static void socket_free (void *s)
+ if (s) {
+ int rc = zmq_close (s);
+ assert (rc == 0);
+ }
+static VALUE socket_alloc (VALUE class_)
+ return rb_data_object_alloc (class_, NULL, 0, socket_free);
+static VALUE socket_initialize (VALUE self_, VALUE context_, VALUE type_)
+ assert (!DATA_PTR (self_));
+ if (strcmp (rb_obj_classname (context_), "Context") != 0) {
+ rb_raise (rb_eArgError, "expected Context object");
+ return Qnil;
+ }
+ void *s = zmq_socket (DATA_PTR (context_), NUM2INT (type_));
+ if (!s) {
+ rb_raise (rb_eRuntimeError, strerror (errno));
+ return Qnil;
+ }
+ DATA_PTR (self_) = (void*) s;
+ return self_;
+static VALUE socket_setsockopt (VALUE self_, VALUE option_,
+ VALUE optval_)
+ int rc = 0;
+ switch (NUM2INT (option_)) {
+ case ZMQ_HWM:
+ case ZMQ_LWM:
+ case ZMQ_SWAP:
+ case ZMQ_RATE:
+ {
+ long optval = FIX2LONG (optval_);
+ // Forward the code to native 0MQ library.
+ rc = zmq_setsockopt (DATA_PTR (self_), NUM2INT (option_),
+ (void *) &optval, 4);
+ }
+ break;
+ // Forward the code to native 0MQ library.
+ rc = zmq_setsockopt (DATA_PTR (self_), NUM2INT (option_),
+ (void *) StringValueCStr (optval_), RSTRING_LEN (optval_));
+ break;
+ default:
+ rc = -1;
+ errno = EINVAL;
+ }
+ if (rc != 0) {
+ rb_raise (rb_eRuntimeError, strerror (errno));
+ return Qnil;
+ }
+ return self_;
+static VALUE socket_bind (VALUE self_, VALUE addr_)
+ assert (DATA_PTR (self_));
+ int rc = zmq_bind (DATA_PTR (self_), rb_string_value_cstr (&addr_));
+ if (rc != 0) {
+ rb_raise (rb_eRuntimeError, strerror (errno));
+ return Qnil;
+ }
+ return Qnil;
+static VALUE socket_connect (VALUE self_, VALUE addr_)
+ assert (DATA_PTR (self_));
+ int rc = zmq_connect (DATA_PTR (self_), rb_string_value_cstr (&addr_));
+ if (rc != 0) {
+ rb_raise (rb_eRuntimeError, strerror (errno));
+ return Qnil;
+ }
+ return Qnil;
+static VALUE socket_send (VALUE self_, VALUE msg_, VALUE flags_)
+ assert (DATA_PTR (self_));
+ Check_Type (msg_, T_STRING);
+ zmq_msg_t msg;
+ int rc = zmq_msg_init_size (&msg, RSTRING_LEN (msg_));
+ if (rc != 0) {
+ rb_raise (rb_eRuntimeError, strerror (errno));
+ return Qnil;
+ }
+ memcpy (zmq_msg_data (&msg), RSTRING_PTR (msg_), RSTRING_LEN (msg_));
+ rc = zmq_send (DATA_PTR (self_), &msg, NUM2INT (flags_));
+ if (rc != 0 && errno == EAGAIN) {
+ rc = zmq_msg_close (&msg);
+ assert (rc == 0);
+ return Qfalse;
+ }
+ if (rc != 0) {
+ rb_raise (rb_eRuntimeError, strerror (errno));
+ rc = zmq_msg_close (&msg);
+ assert (rc == 0);
+ return Qnil;
+ }
+ rc = zmq_msg_close (&msg);
+ assert (rc == 0);
+ return Qtrue;
+static VALUE socket_flush (VALUE self_)
+ assert (DATA_PTR (self_));
+ int rc = zmq_flush (DATA_PTR (self_));
+ if (rc != 0) {
+ rb_raise (rb_eRuntimeError, strerror (errno));
+ return Qnil;
+ }
+ return Qnil;
+static VALUE socket_recv (VALUE self_, VALUE flags_)
+ assert (DATA_PTR (self_));
+ zmq_msg_t msg;
+ int rc = zmq_msg_init (&msg);
+ assert (rc == 0);
+ rc = zmq_recv (DATA_PTR (self_), &msg, NUM2INT (flags_));
+ if (rc != 0 && errno == EAGAIN) {
+ rc = zmq_msg_close (&msg);
+ assert (rc == 0);
+ return Qnil;
+ }
+ if (rc != 0) {
+ rb_raise (rb_eRuntimeError, strerror (errno));
+ rc = zmq_msg_close (&msg);
+ assert (rc == 0);
+ return Qnil;
+ }
+ VALUE message = rb_str_new ((char*) zmq_msg_data (&msg),
+ zmq_msg_size (&msg));
+ rc = zmq_msg_close (&msg);
+ assert (rc == 0);
+ return message;
+extern "C" void Init_librbzmq ()
+ VALUE context_type = rb_define_class ("Context", rb_cObject);
+ rb_define_alloc_func (context_type, context_alloc);
+ rb_define_method (context_type, "initialize",
+ (VALUE(*)(...)) context_initialize, 2);
+ VALUE socket_type = rb_define_class ("Socket", rb_cObject);
+ rb_define_alloc_func (socket_type, socket_alloc);
+ rb_define_method (socket_type, "initialize",
+ (VALUE(*)(...)) socket_initialize, 2);
+ rb_define_method (socket_type, "setsockopt",
+ (VALUE(*)(...)) socket_setsockopt, 2);
+ rb_define_method (socket_type, "bind",
+ (VALUE(*)(...)) socket_bind, 1);
+ rb_define_method (socket_type, "connect",
+ (VALUE(*)(...)) socket_connect, 1);
+ rb_define_method (socket_type, "send",
+ (VALUE(*)(...)) socket_send, 2);
+ rb_define_method (socket_type, "flush",
+ (VALUE(*)(...)) socket_flush, 0);
+ rb_define_method (socket_type, "recv",
+ (VALUE(*)(...)) socket_recv, 1);
+ rb_define_global_const ("HWM", INT2NUM (ZMQ_HWM));
+ rb_define_global_const ("LWM", INT2NUM (ZMQ_LWM));
+ rb_define_global_const ("SWAP", INT2NUM (ZMQ_SWAP));
+ rb_define_global_const ("AFFINITY", INT2NUM (ZMQ_AFFINITY));
+ rb_define_global_const ("IDENTITY", INT2NUM (ZMQ_IDENTITY));
+ rb_define_global_const ("SUBSCRIBE", INT2NUM (ZMQ_SUBSCRIBE));
+ rb_define_global_const ("UNSUBSCRIBE", INT2NUM (ZMQ_UNSUBSCRIBE));
+ rb_define_global_const ("RATE", INT2NUM (ZMQ_RATE));
+ rb_define_global_const ("RECOVERY_IVL", INT2NUM (ZMQ_RECOVERY_IVL));
+ rb_define_global_const ("MCAST_LOOP", INT2NUM (ZMQ_MCAST_LOOP));
+ rb_define_global_const ("NOBLOCK", INT2NUM (ZMQ_NOBLOCK));
+ rb_define_global_const ("NOFLUSH", INT2NUM (ZMQ_NOFLUSH));
+ rb_define_global_const ("P2P", INT2NUM (ZMQ_P2P));
+ rb_define_global_const ("SUB", INT2NUM (ZMQ_SUB));
+ rb_define_global_const ("PUB", INT2NUM (ZMQ_PUB));
+ rb_define_global_const ("REQ", INT2NUM (ZMQ_REQ));
+ rb_define_global_const ("REP", INT2NUM (ZMQ_REP));