zmq_socket(3) ============= NAME ---- zmq_socket - create 0MQ socket SYNOPSIS -------- *void *zmq_socket (void '*context', int 'type');* DESCRIPTION ----------- The 'zmq_socket()' function shall create a 0MQ socket within the specified 'context' and return an opaque handle to the newly created socket. The 'type' argument specifies the _messaging pattern_, which determines the semantics of communication over the socket. The following _messaging patterns_ are defined: Peer to peer pattern ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The simplest messaging pattern, used for communicating between two peers. Socket type:: 'ZMQ_P2P' Compatible peer sockets:: 'ZMQ_P2P' A socket of type 'ZMQ_P2P' can only be connected to a single peer at any one time. No message routing or filtering is performed on messages sent over a 'ZMQ_P2P' socket. Publish-subscribe pattern ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The publish-subscribe pattern is used for one-to-many distribution of data from a single _publisher_ to multiple _subscribers_ in a fanout fashion. Socket type:: 'ZMQ_PUB' Compatible peer sockets:: 'ZMQ_SUB' A socket of type 'ZMQ_PUB' is used by a _publisher_ to distribute data. Messages sent are distributed in a fanout fashion to all connected peers. The _zmq_recv()_ function is not implemented for this socket type. Socket type:: 'ZMQ_SUB' Compatible peer sockets:: 'ZMQ_PUB' A socket of type 'ZMQ_SUB' is used by a _subscriber_ to subscribe to data distributed by a _publisher_. Initially a 'ZMQ_SUB' socket is not subscribed to any messages, use the 'ZMQ_SUBSCRIBE' option of _zmq_setsockopt()_ to specify which messages to subscribe to. The _zmq_send()_ function is not implemented for this socket type. Request-reply pattern ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The request-reply pattern is used for sending requests from a _client_ to a _service_, and receiving subsequent replies to each request sent. Socket type:: 'ZMQ_REQ' Compatible peer sockets:: 'ZMQ_REP' A socket of type 'ZMQ_REQ' is used by a _client_ to send requests to and receive replies from a _service_. This socket type allows only an alternating sequence of _zmq_send(request)_ and subsequent _zmq_recv(reply)_ calls. Each request sent is load-balanced among all connected _services_. Socket type:: 'ZMQ_REP' Compatible peer sockets:: 'ZMQ_REQ' A socket of type 'ZMQ_REP' is used by a _service_ to receive requests from and send replies to a _client_. This socket type allows only an alternating sequence of _zmq_recv(request)_ and subsequent _zmq_send(reply)_ calls. Each reply is routed to the _client_ that issued the last received request. Parallelized pipeline pattern ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The parallelized pipeline pattern is used for distributing work between _components_ of a pipeline. Work travels down the pipeline and at each stage can be processed by any number of _components_ in parallel. Socket type:: 'ZMQ_UPSTREAM' Compatible peer sockets:: 'ZMQ_DOWNSTREAM' A socket of type 'ZMQ_UPSTREAM' is used by a _component_ of a pipeline to receive messages from upstream stages of the pipeline. Messages are fair-queued from among all connected upstream _components_. The _zmq_send()_ function is not implemented for this socket type. Socket type:: 'ZMQ_DOWNSTREAM' Compatible peer sockets:: 'ZMQ_UPSTREAM' A socket of type 'ZMQ_DOWNSTREAM' is used by a _component_ of a pipeline to send messages to downstream stages of the pipeline. The _zmq_recv()_ function is not implemented for this socket type. RETURN VALUE ------------ The _zmq_socket()_ function shall return an opaque handle to the newly created socket if successful. Otherwise, it shall return NULL and set 'errno' to one of the values defined below. ERRORS ------ *EINVAL*:: The requested socket 'type' is invalid. *EMTHREAD*:: The number of application threads using sockets within this 'context' has been exceeded. See the 'app_threads' parameter of the _zmq_init()_ function. SEE ALSO -------- linkzmq:zmq_init[3] linkzmq:zmq_setsockopt[3] linkzmq:zmq_bind[3] linkzmq:zmq_connect[3] linkzmq:zmq_send[3] linkzmq:zmq_flush[3] linkzmq:zmq_recv[3] AUTHORS ------- The 0MQ documentation was written by Martin Sustrik and Martin Lucina .