zmq_term(3) =========== NAME ---- zmq_term - terminate 0MQ context SYNOPSIS -------- *int zmq_term (void '*context');* DESCRIPTION ----------- The _zmq_term()_ function terminates the 0MQ context 'context'. If there are no longer any sockets open within 'context' at the time _zmq_term()_ is called then 'context' shall be shut down and all associated resources shall be released immediately. Otherwise, the following applies: * The _zmq_term()_ function shall return immediately. * Any blocking operations currently in progress on sockets open within 'context' shall return immediately with an error code of ETERM. * With the exception of _zmq_close()_, any further operations on sockets open within 'context' shall fail with an error code of ETERM. * The actual shutdown of 'context', and release of any associated resources, *shall be delayed* until the last socket within it is closed with _zmq_close()_. RETURN VALUE ------------ The _zmq_term()_ function shall return zero if successful. Otherwise it shall return `-1` and set 'errno' to one of the values defined below. ERRORS ------ No errors are defined. SEE ALSO -------- linkzmq:zmq[7] linkzmq:zmq_init[3]