.TH zmq_init 3 "" "(c)2007-2010 iMatix Corporation" "0MQ User Manuals" .SH NAME zmq_init \- initialises 0MQ context .SH SYNOPSIS .B void *zmq_init (int app_threads, int io_threads, int flags); .SH DESCRIPTION Initialises 0MQ context. .IR app_threads specifies maximal number of application threads that can own open sockets at the same time. At least one application thread should be defined. .IR io_threads specifies the size of thread pool to handle I/O operations. The value shouldn't be negative. Zero can be used in case only in-process messaging is going to be used, i.e. there will be no I/O traffic. .IR flags argument is a combination of the flags defined below: .IP "\fBZMQ_POLL\fP" flag specifying that the sockets within this context should be pollable (see .IR zmq_poll ). Pollable sockets may add a little latency to the message transfer when compared to non-pollable sockets. .SH RETURN VALUE Function returns context handle is successful. Otherwise it returns NULL and sets errno to one of the values below. .SH ERRORS .IP "\fBEINVAL\fP" there's less than one application thread allocated, or number of I/O threads is negative. .SH EXAMPLE .nf void *ctx = zmq_init (1, 1, ZMQ_POLL); assert (ctx); .fi .SH SEE ALSO .BR zmq_term (3) .BR zmq_socket (3) .SH AUTHOR Martin Sustrik