.TH zmq_strerror 3 "" "(c)2007-2009 FastMQ Inc." "0MQ User Manuals" .SH NAME zmq_strerror \- returns string describing the error number .SH SYNOPSIS .B const char *zmq_strerror (int errnum); .SH DESCRIPTION As 0MQ defines few additional (non-POSIX) error codes, standard .IR strerror isn't capable of translating those errors into human readable strings. Instead, .IR zmq_strerror should be used. .SH RETURN VALUE Returns string describing the error number. .SH ERRORS No errors are defined. .SH EXAMPLE .nf void *ctx = zmq_init (1, 1, 0); if (!ctx) { printf ("error occured during zmq_init: %s\\n", zmq_strerror (errno)); abort (); } .fi .SH SEE ALSO .BR zmq (7) .SH AUTHOR Martin Sustrik