/* Copyright (c) 2007-2010 iMatix Corporation This file is part of 0MQ. 0MQ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. 0MQ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the Lesser GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the Lesser GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include "../include/zmq.hpp" #include "../foreign/xmlParser/xmlParser.cpp" class device_cfg_t { enum endpoint_direction {connect, bind}; typedef std::pair sock_details_t; typedef std::vector vsock_dets_t; public: explicit device_cfg_t (int type) : device_type (type), context (0), in_socket (0), out_socket (0) { } virtual ~device_cfg_t() { delete out_socket; delete in_socket; } bool init (XMLNode &device) { XMLNode in_node = device.getChildNode ("in"); if (in_node.isEmpty ()) { fprintf (stderr, "'in' node is missing in the configuration file\n"); return false; } XMLNode out_node = device.getChildNode ("out"); if (out_node.isEmpty ()) { fprintf (stderr, "'out' node is missing in the configuration file\n"); return false; } if (!process_node (in_node, true, device_cfg_t::bind)) return false; if (!process_node (in_node, true, device_cfg_t::connect)) return false; if (!process_node (out_node, false, device_cfg_t::bind)) return false; if (!process_node (out_node, false, device_cfg_t::connect)) return false; return true; } void set_context(zmq::context_t *context_) { context = context_; } zmq::context_t *get_context () const { return context; } virtual bool make_sockets () = 0; bool set_up_connections () { for (vsock_dets_t::const_iterator i = in.begin (); i != in.end (); ++i) { switch (i->first) { case device_cfg_t::connect: in_socket->connect (i->second.c_str ()); break; case device_cfg_t::bind: in_socket->bind (i->second.c_str ()); } } for (vsock_dets_t::const_iterator i = out.begin (); i != out.end (); ++i) { switch (i->first) { case device_cfg_t::connect: out_socket->connect (i->second.c_str ()); break; case device_cfg_t::bind: out_socket->bind (i->second.c_str ()); } } return true; } void run() { zmq::device(device_type, *in_socket, *out_socket); } protected: bool make_sockets (int in_type, int out_type) { in_socket = new (std::nothrow) zmq::socket_t (*context, in_type); if (!in_socket) return false; out_socket = new (std::nothrow) zmq::socket_t (*context, out_type); if (!out_socket) { return false; } return true; } int process_node (XMLNode& target_, bool in_, device_cfg_t::endpoint_direction ept_) { const char *name = (ept_ == device_cfg_t::connect) ? "connect" : "bind"; int n = 0; while (true) { XMLNode connect = target_.getChildNode (name, n); if (connect.isEmpty ()) break; const char *addr = connect.getAttribute ("addr"); if (!addr) { fprintf (stderr, "'%s' node is missing 'addr' attribute\n", name); return 0; } if (in_) in.push_back (sock_details_t (ept_, addr)); else out.push_back (sock_details_t (ept_, addr)); n++; } return 1; } protected: int device_type; zmq::context_t *context; vsock_dets_t in; vsock_dets_t out; zmq::socket_t *in_socket; zmq::socket_t *out_socket; private: device_cfg_t (device_cfg_t const&); void operator = (device_cfg_t const&); }; class queue_device_cfg_t : public device_cfg_t { public: queue_device_cfg_t () : device_cfg_t (ZMQ_QUEUE) { } virtual bool make_sockets () { return device_cfg_t::make_sockets (ZMQ_XREP, ZMQ_XREQ); } }; class streamer_device_cfg_t : public device_cfg_t { public: streamer_device_cfg_t () : device_cfg_t (ZMQ_STREAMER) { } virtual bool make_sockets () { return device_cfg_t::make_sockets (ZMQ_UPSTREAM, ZMQ_DOWNSTREAM); } }; class forwarder_device_cfg_t : public device_cfg_t { public: forwarder_device_cfg_t() : device_cfg_t (ZMQ_FORWARDER) { } virtual bool make_sockets() { if (!device_cfg_t::make_sockets (ZMQ_SUB, ZMQ_PUB) ) { return false; } in_socket->setsockopt (ZMQ_SUBSCRIBE, "", 0); return true; } }; device_cfg_t *make_device_config (XMLNode& device) { const char *dev_type = device.getAttribute ("type"); if (!dev_type) { fprintf (stderr, "'device' node is missing 'type' attribute\n"); return NULL; } if (strcmp (dev_type, "forwarder") == 0) { return new (std::nothrow) forwarder_device_cfg_t; } else if (strcmp (dev_type, "streamer") == 0) { return new (std::nothrow) streamer_device_cfg_t; } else if (strcmp (dev_type, "queue") == 0) { return new (std::nothrow) queue_device_cfg_t; } fprintf (stderr, "type attribute in the device configuration file " "should be named 'forwarder', 'streamer' or 'queue'\n"); return NULL; } extern "C" void* worker_function(void *arg) { if (!arg) { fprintf (stderr, "arg is null, returning \n"); return 0; } std::auto_ptr cfg ((device_cfg_t*) arg); zmq::context_t *ctx = cfg->get_context (); if (!ctx) { fprintf (stderr, "no context, returning \n"); return 0; } if (!cfg->make_sockets ()) { fprintf (stderr, "failed to make sockets, returning \n"); return 0; } if (!cfg->set_up_connections ()) { fprintf (stderr, "failed to set up connections, returning \n"); return 0; } cfg->run(); return 0; } int main (int argc, char *argv []) { if (argc != 2) { fprintf (stderr, "usage: zmqd \n"); return 1; } XMLNode root = XMLNode::parseFile (argv [1]); if (root.isEmpty ()) { fprintf (stderr, "configuration file not found or not an XML file\n"); return 1; } if (strcmp (root.getName (), "config") != 0) { fprintf (stderr, "root element in the configuration file should be " "named 'config'\n"); return 1; } std::vector vdev; while (true) { XMLNode device = root.getChildNode ("device", vdev.size()); if (device.isEmpty()) break; device_cfg_t* dev = make_device_config (device); if (!dev) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to create device config\n"); return 1; } if (!dev->init (device)) { fprintf(stderr,"error with initialising device configuration\n"); delete dev; return 1; } vdev.push_back (dev); } std::vector ::size_type num_devices = vdev.size (); if (num_devices == 0) { fprintf(stderr,"no devices in the config file\n"); return 1; } zmq::context_t ctx (num_devices, 1); for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < num_devices ; ++i) { vdev [i]->set_context (&ctx); if (i) { pthread_t worker; int rc = pthread_create (&worker, NULL, &worker_function, (void*) vdev [i]); assert (rc == 0); } } worker_function ((void*) vdev [0]); return 0; }